
Friday, April 3, 2020

The big brownie bake!

Today I did some baking.
It was so much fun, these pictures are of me baking my brownie!
The recipe :)
Mum said is even tastes better than 'Ye ole Sutherland Brownie' that Mr Sutherland makes 😉
What baking have you been doing while in lockdown?


  1. Oh wow Amelia! It looks fantastic! You'll have super baking skills by the time we get back to school! I already know your Mum is baker extraordinaire, so i'm sure she'll be teaching you some of those skills. I really love how you've shown photos of your whole brownie making journey and how you've shared the recipe, very cool! Maybe next time you could ask your readers a question or challenge them to follow your recipe and post their results! Remember our 'Think 6' process. Thank you for joining our google classroom, there are some fabulous book links in there, you could share them with Mum and Dad and they might like to read too!

    1. Hi!Thank you for the comment,

      I have looked at the book links and their cool!
      Have a nice day!

  2. Mmmm! I am sure I could smell the brownie! It look delicious! I didnt make any brownies, but did make some shortbread. However, if there was a competition between yours and mine, I think your would win!

  3. Wow, they must be good if they are better that Ye Ole Sutherland Family Brownies! I can't wait until you make me some when the lockdown is finished so I can test them out for myself!
    Great idea using photos to document how you made them. I also really like how you have taken on board Mrs Atkinson's feedback about the question and added one in. I haven't done a lot of baking but am planning on making a savoury loaf of bread in the slow cooker today. Hopefully the supermarkets will have some flour soon!

    1. Tip:heat them up.
      They will be in my tummy, but if you want to still want to then follow the recipe.
      Food sounds yum!

  4. Ooooooo they look yummo. I do hope you bring some of them on the next walking bus, whenever that might be!? I like how you included a link in your blog. A good website will have lots of links to things both on the website and off the website (like you have done). nice work :)

    1. They are yummo.
      Try them yourself!

  5. Yummo Amelia! I can't wait to try some fresh ones when we come back to school. Now that you have the perfect brownie base have you thought about adding any flavours to it? My favourite things to add are raspberries or caramel chocolate.

    1. No I have not added flavoures.
      But they are better heated!😍


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